Back to School!

Welcome to my first blog post!!

    Here we go again! The feeling of being back on campus is like a breath of fresh air. We are all so excited to see each other and catch up on our summers. Taking a look back at the fun times we had when we were school free. There are so many familiar faces as well as many new ones. My classes start next week, but I'm back early for Cross Country. We get to move in early for Cross Country camp week. Getting settled early always beats the rush of people flocking in with their lives packed into a few cars. Moving in with my three roommates was a blast! We spent hours decorating our apartment, making it the perfect cozy and colorful space to call home for the next nine months. But let's be real, it was also a bit stressful. With all the furniture, decor, and personal belongings to organize, we definitely had our work cut out for us. 

I am a junior this year. That is definitely blowing my mind! As I reflect on the past two years of college, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I'm excited to embark on a new set of courses, goals, and experiences this semester. But on the other hand, I'm a little sad to say goodbye to another year and realize that I'm one step closer to graduating and going into the real world. People always say that college goes by fast, but you never really believe them until you're in their shoes. It's crazy to think how quickly time flies when you're having fun and learning so much. But hey, that's what makes this journey so special and unforgettable.

I am super excited for this school year and my current and upcoming seasons for cross country and track! I've got a ton of goals and work I want to tackle head-on. From hitting the books to crushing some personal records, I am determined to make this year my best yet. Follow along as I take on yet another year as a polar bear!

As Always, GO BEARS!


  1. Hey! So cool to hear about cross country moving in early for camp! I didn't know ya'll got to do that! Awesome!

  2. I also can't believe how fast these years have gone. From coming in freshman year during covid to coming into this year as a senior with all of my best friends! Best of luck with CC!

  3. Glad to be back on campus! Wishing the cross country and track team all the best this season.

  4. Glad to be back on campus! Wishing the cross country and track teams all the best this season.


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