Denison XC Race!


    Last weekend was a thrilling one for me as I took part in my first cross country race of my junior season at Denison! I have been nursing a back injury for three weeks, which meant I had to do a lot of cross training and easy runs while incorporating speed workouts on our anti-gravity treadmill. Despite the setback, I was determined to make the most of the race by using it as a workout. My plan was to run with a slower pace group and treat it as a progression run, where I would gradually increase my speed with each mile and maintain it until the finish line. Since I hadn't done any on-ground workouts before the race, I saw it as an opportunity to prepare myself for the rest of the season.

    As I stood at the start line, my heart was pounding with excitement. Finally, I was back in the game after missing out on the first meet. The sound of the gun going off was like music to my ears, and my body and mind were in perfect sync. I started off at a steady pace, but as my adrenaline kicked in, I couldn't resist the urge to go all out. I was in the zone, nothing could stop me. The race was a 6k, which is roughly 3.75 miles, but rumors are that the course was longer than it should have been. Boy, were they right! The course ended up being a whopping 4.1 miles, which explained why everyone's times were slower than usual. I was determined to give it my all, no matter what because I wanted to prove to myself that I hadn’t lost any of my momentum. The course was incredibly hilly, with each turn leading to a gradual incline. But the scenery was very pretty, with most of the race taking place in the woods. The trees provided much-needed shade, making it a lot more comfortable to run. The terrain was varied, with thick and thin gravel, dirt, grass, and even a concrete path.

    What a race! I have to admit, I definitely felt the burn during and after, but it was all worth it in the end. I pushed myself to the limit and ended up seeing some seriously positive results. I'm feeling super pumped and ready to take on the next meet at Cedarville this weekend! Not only did I get a better idea of where I stand on the team, but I'm also feeling excited for the rest of the season. Let's not forget about my amazing teammates - we all did an incredible job out there. Despite the challenging conditions, from hills to longer distances, we managed to snag third place. It just goes to show that when we work together, we can accomplish anything. Bring on the next race!

    GO BEARS!!


  1. That sounds challenging! Hopefully you are fully healed and can be 100% soon! Go bears!

  2. I'm so happy that you were able to recover from your injury and be able to compete again!

  3. I am happy that you are able to compete once again in a sport that you love! I have never understood how y'all as cross runners enjoy or find that want to go out and do it lol. Good luck the rest of the season! Go Bears!

  4. MJ, I loved reading about your first race! Sorry to hear about the back injury. Hope it continues to heal well!!

  5. That sounds so fun!! I could never run that much haha!


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