A Week of Projects



    As I reflect on the past week, I can't help but dive into the two projects I had for my graphic design classes. Let me give you a little background first - I'm a junior graphic design major with a minor in social media. I didn't start off as a graphic design major, so this year marks my sophomore year classes in this field. At the beginning of this semester, I was handed two projects that set the tone for the first four weeks. Let me tell you, each project was a whirlwind of creativity and innovation. It wasn't just about the final product; it was about the entire process that led me there. In Advanced Visual Communication Design, I was challenged to push the boundaries of my artistic abilities. Then my Design for Social Change course allowed me to use my skills to make a positive impact on society.      

    The Advanced Visual Communication Design course involved a wayfinding project that aimed to identify areas of improvement for the Wilson Art Center, with the goal of enhancing navigation for various user groups, including students, faculty, visitors, and individuals with disabilities. The project encompassed the development of a broadside, which served as a large poster outlining our proposed ideas, as well as the creation of designs for hallways, signage, universal designs, exterior signage, and other relevant aspects of the building. To ensure consistency with the Ohio Northern University (ONU) brand, we were required to establish a color scheme and list the necessary materials for the implementation of the new wayfinding plan. The project presented a unique challenge, as it required us to create visually appealing designs that were also universally accessible and easy to comprehend.      

    In my Design for Social Change course, I tackled a topic that hits close to home for many of us -student debt. I wanted to shed light on the struggles that students face after completing college, burdened with the weight of their student loans. So, I put my creative skills to work and designed a poster that would make people stop and think. I wanted to make sure that people knew that there was help available for those struggling with student debt. That's why I included information about an organization that could provide relief to students in need. I had to do my research and make multiple sketches to ensure that I was accurately depicting the issue of student debt. I was able to apply my knowledge of integrating text and images to create a message that would resonate with people. Overall, this project was a great opportunity for me to use my design skills to make a difference in the world.  

    During these projects, I had the opportunity to shake off the cobwebs of my knowledge and dive headfirst into this semester with not one, but two great projects that truly showcased my graphic design prowess. There is something about creating eye-catching posters and crafting compelling content, urging viewers to pause and ponder the profound messages conveyed that makes me feel successful. I’m excited to take on the rest of my projects this semester 


  1. Wow, you had a very busy week! I am glad that it seems that your projects went very well, and you are ready for the semester with graphic design!


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