Ohio Wesleyan Meet!


On Friday, September twenty-ninth, we had a cross country meet in Powell, Ohio at Liberty Park, hosted by Ohio Wesleyan University. I happen to live just ten minutes away from this park, making it a familiar spot where I regularly complete my summer training. With its shaded woods, gravel path, soccer fields, and connection to a bike path that runs through Powell, it's an ideal location. Having run there before, I felt incredibly confident about the course, knowing every twist and turn like the back of my hand. Our race was scheduled for six forty-five in the evening, and as the night progressed, the temperature began to cool off. We took the time to stretch and warm up, fully prepared to execute the plans our coach had given us. These plans included a well-thought-out racing strategy, specific paces to maintain, and the ultimate goal of winning. We were determined and ready to conquer this race, fully expecting to emerge victorious.

    The race kicked off with an explosive start, the path narrowing swiftly from a wide straightaway to a tightly packed course marked by flags. This course was designed for speed, with its flat terrain and grassy surface, although we did venture into the woods, navigating its winding gravel path. Throughout the race, I maintained a strong pace. Even when I reached the three-mile mark and the pain began to set in, I refused to let it hinder my progress. I strategically positioned myself behind a group of three Ohio Wesleyan girls and one Bluffton girl, using their presence to my advantage. As the finish line came into view, I knew it was time to unleash my full potential. With a burst of energy, I rounded the last turn, my coach's encouraging shouts urging me to surpass the girls ahead of me. Throughout the race, I had relied on their presence to keep me motivated and focused, ensuring I wouldn't be left in no man's land, with no one ahead or behind me. With each passing moment, I gained momentum, overtaking each girl one by one, until I finally crossed the finish line, triumphant and fulfilled.

    Crossing the finish line and seeing my incredible teammates cheering as we each finished our races was an exhilarating experience. The immense relief I felt was indescribable. My family eagerly awaited my arrival, ready to shower me with big hugs and celebrate my race. Our hard work paid off as we secured a second place finish. We are a team of fighters and we are thrilled to take on our next challenge in New York in just two weeks before our final conference race. This weekend was just the beginning of our journey and I am already looking forward to our next race with great anticipation.


  1. I'm sure you were very comfortable running at this park since it was close to home. Glad to hear you have such supportive teammates!

  2. I love how your strategy came into play and CONGRATS !!!!! I thinks its sweet that you still mentioned your team as well and am glad that you guys support each other.


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