Bring it on Before Thanksgiving Break!



    Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and the workload is becoming overwhelming, as are the illnesses. After finishing my cross country season, my body has decided to succumb to sickness as it winds down and the workload increases. I am relieved to have a short break from running so that I can solely focus on the projects and papers that are piling up. However, I encountered a setback when I caught a sinus infection last week. Instead of catching up on homework, I was confined to bed for three consecutive days, battling the aches and pains and going through tissue boxes like crazy. It's interesting how just when you finally have the opportunity to accomplish things without juggling too much, something comes along and hinders your progress. Despite the frustration, I managed to quickly clear up the sinus infection by visiting the health center and taking medication. I am looking forward to making progress and completing the tasks for this week before the Thanksgiving break with a heavy workload.

    It's time to dive into the projects! This semester, I'm taking six classes and thoroughly enjoying the work. Three of them are design classes for my graphic design major, while the others are watercolor, international short stories and principles of social media. The design classes are where I'm really putting in the work, with each project tailored to a different aspect of graphic design. One class covers all the design parameters I've learned so far, another focuses on social change and the last is all about app and website design. Each project requires me to solve a problem, make a process easier for consumers or find the best way to present a campaign. Staying organized is key, as these projects can get tedious and the grading is more intense than last year. I've learned the importance of laying out step-by-step parts to complete a final product, rather than jumping in blindly. With most of my final assignments assigned, it's time to get started and produce work that I can add to my portfolio and benefit my future career.

    The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving have been quite challenging for me, so I'm really looking forward to taking a break and spending time with my loved ones. I'll be traveling to Wisconsin to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, most of whom live there. We'll be gathering at my grandma's house and I'm excited to catch up with everyone and answer their questions about how my year has been so far. I'll definitely be sharing that I've been keeping busy and learning a lot, including how to go through an entire box of tissues in just two hours!

    I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and are able to eat some great foods!

    As always, GO BEARS!


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