Thanksgiving Break!

During my Thanksgiving break, I had a fantastic and rejuvenating time filled with delicious food and joyful laughter! I truly cherished the relaxing and eventful moments spent with my loved ones, as we celebrated our gratitude for being able to spend quality time together. To kick off the break, I took some time to unwind from the busy semester and caught up with my parents and sister, sharing the latest news from the Zindars household. The highlight of it all was reuniting with my adorable dogs, Alfie and Finn, who are both Aussiedoodles - a delightful mix of an Australian Shepherd and Poodle. Being back home felt incredibly comforting and gave me a glimpse of the upcoming long Christmas break. The day after I arrived home, my family and I participated in a meaningful activity called Make A Difference Day, where we dedicated a few hours to cleaning up the yard for someone in need. We worked together to rake leaves, pull weeds, trim trees and spruce up their flower bed. In the end, we filled a whopping 30 bags with leaves, branches and weeds. It was an amazing experience and we felt a deep sense of happiness knowing that we were able to give back. In the following days, I spent quality time with my mom and dogs, enjoying some relaxation and getting organized before embarking on a trip to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving.

Our Thanksgiving trip was truly an adventure. We set off early on Wednesday morning, driving for about 8 hours to reach Madison, Wisconsin. Packed tightly in one car were my parents, sister, boyfriend, our two dogs and myself. Surprisingly, it wasn't uncomfortable at all and our dogs behaved very well besides the couple times Alfie threw up.We only made two stops along the way for food and gas, which was quite impressive considering the number of people in the car. Upon arriving at my grandma's house, we quickly settled in and changed before heading out for a family sushi dinner at our favorite restaurant in Madison. The next day, we had a big Thanksgiving celebration at my grandparents' house in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Relatives from near and far joined us, even my aunt, uncle and two cousins who live in Ohio made the trip just as we did. Since the rest of our family resides in Wisconsin, it's always special when we can all come together for such an important holiday. We enjoyed a delicious meal and caught up on each other's lives. It was an absolute blast and the food was incredible. The following day, we had another meal with my father's side of the family, spending time with even more relatives and sharing lots of laughter. Overall, the trip was much-needed, and it was wonderful to see so many of my family members.

After making a final visit to my grandparents on my dad's side, our journey concluded when we returned home. It was such a delightful trip. I only have the opportunity to see my Wisconsin family once a year, which is on Thanksgiving, so this was truly special. The food throughout the week was scrumptious and being able to spend time with the people who matter the most to me was even more rewarding. Saying goodbye to my family is always difficult since we live so far apart. I sincerely hope that everyone had an incredible Thanksgiving, just like I did.

As Always, GO BEARS!


  1. That sounds like such a fun trip for your family! I am so glad you enjoyed your time in the cheese state and can visit with your family again soon!


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